Comparing the Systems
Respiratory system - Human vs. Snake

The trachea usually stops just in front of the heart, and at this point it splits into the two primary bronchi, airways that direct air into either the left or right lung.
In most snakes the short left bronchus terminates in a vestigial, or rudimentary, left lung.
The portion of a snake’s lung nearest its head has a respiratory function; this is where oxygen exchange occurs.
Snakes are able to extend their glottis out the side of their mouth while they eat, which allows for respiration while they consume large prey items.
Snakes have a small opening just behind the tongue called the glottis, which opens into the trachea, or windpipe.
Similarities: The first part of a snakes lung is built the same as a human lung and works in the exact same way.
Diferences: Snakes don't possess a diaphram.
- Snakes only have one fully developed lung.
Excretory System - Human vs. Frog

A frogs excretory system is made up of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and the cloaca. The kidneys filter the urea out of the blood and convert it to urine. The urine then travels through the urethras, down to the bladder. A frog bladder is the same as a human bladder. the bladder stores the urine and then is excreted through the cloacra.
Similarities: The path from urea to urine in both.
- The bladder in both are the same.
Differences: The frog has one system for both the exretory system and the genitalia.
Nervous System - Human vs. Dog

The spinal cord of dogs is divided into regions that correspond to the vertebral bodies (the bones that make up the spine) in the following order from neck to tail: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal segments.
The brain is divided into 3 main sections—the brain stem, which controls many basic functions, the cerebrum, which is the center of making conscious decision, and the cerebellum, which is involved in movement and control.
Specialized tissues called the meninges cover the brain and spinal cord, and cerebrospinal fluid surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.
The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain.
DOUGLAS MADER - Snake Respiratory System Anatomy - 2015 - 9/11 -
Frogs internal systems - 2015 - 9/11 -
Parts of the Nervous System in Dogs - 9/11- 2015-