Comparing the Systems
Respiratory system - Human vs. Snake The trachea usually stops just in front of the heart, and at this point it splits into the two...

The Nervous System
The cranial nervous system - The cranial nerves are the nerves that connect the brain, the eyes, the ears, the mouth and other parts of...

Help Madagascar
Sponser a child: https://trans.worldvision.com.au/childrescue/donate.aspx Learn about whats going on in Madagascar:...

Food Shortage and Food Security
Photo sourced from: http://studentcms.ise.canberra.edu.au/itw/u3066626/ Many, if not all, third world countries struggle when it come to...

Altering Biomes
Photo sourced from: http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/gctext/Inquiries/Inquiries_by_Unit/Unit_3b.htm ​ There are many different...
Learn Malagasy
Here are some of the essential malagasy words you would need to know when traveling in Madagascar: Hi/Hello - Salama/Manahoana Bye -...

The Flag And Its Meaning
Madagascar flag's meaning is not clear but one speculation is that the colors of the flag represent Madagascar's history, urge for...

The parts of a neuron and their function: Dendrites: The dentrites recieve messages from the other neurons and pass them down the axon....

The Respiratory System
The gas exchange precess 1. The air, carrying oxygen and other gasses, comes into the body through the lungs. 2. In the lungs, to oxygen...