Food Shortage and Food Security

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Many, if not all, third world countries struggle when it come to food. Food shortage is a big issue in many parts of the world, but there are many reasons why. Allt he causes have sonmething to do with either the country itself or the geographical location of the country. The four main causes of food shortage are climate, population growth, extreme weather and agricultural issues.
Climate and extreame weather are in a way linked. The climate of a country determines the weather. Most dry climates can cause droughts, this obviously means all non-drought ressistant plants can be effected. This can cause crop failure, leading to hunger and extreame cases famine, malnutriton and possibly starvation.
Population growth - Most third world african countries have an ever rising population which can put them in more risk of food shortage. More people livivng in one country means more mouths to feed, and the more mouths to feed means that country needs more food.
Pests, livestock and agricultural issues - Pests can be a big problem when growing crops, they get hungry, they need food so they eat what they can find and in some instances what they find is your crop field. Pests eating your food mens there is less and less food going around to the people. This is the same with livesock they need feeding as well and that's just more food being tacken up that could have been given to some starving family. Also with livestock, it is common for the animals to get deseises in their conditon, which is making less meat to eat. Agricultural issues such as eroison, soil fertility, exetera, all play a role in food shortage.